In any type of accident, there are a range of injuries that can occur. From minor injuries to catastrophic. Fortunately for society, there are many more accidents that result in minor injuries than those that cause very serious ones. On the flip side, the sad part is that the insurance industry has used that fact to minimize those who do have legitimate injuries.
This is certainly true with what are called “soft tissue injuries.” These are sprains and strains, most commonly to the neck and/or back. These are called soft tissue injuries because there are usually no broken bones, and rarely does an x-ray or MRI come back positive. This is true even though many soft tissue injuries are debilitating.
There are many ways a soft tissue injury can happen. But they usually involve a body part, usually a neck or back being extended in a way that is not normal. For example, a rear end car accident can cause your neck to rock backwards and forwards, causing injury even at low speeds. It is not much different than if someone were to sneak up behind you and give you a hard shove with no time to prepare.
When we talk about soft tissue injuries, we have to make sure we are clear: not every soft tissue injury is minor, no matter what the insurance industry wants you to believe. Of course, there are some minor neck and back issues that get better in a week. Many others will get complete relief with 6-8 weeks of therapy.
There are many people with “soft-tissue” injuries that remain limited for many months, many years, or even a lifetime. There are many factors that lead to this happening. It is usually a combination of two things: 1) a person’s pre-existing conditions, and 2) the unique way a person’s body was jolted in the accident. Even though these injuries may not show up on testing, they can be life altering. It can be difficult to sit or stand for too long, drive, turn your head, or do chores around the house.
Many people have serious soft tissue injuries that don’t show up on any scans. The reason for this is sometimes that the scans are not precise enough to see the ligament damage. When someone suffers a soft tissue injury, it is often the smallest ligaments that are stretched or torn. Without a very precise, and very expensive, MRI, these things just aren’t picked up. They’re too small.
Whether your soft tissue injury is minor or life-altering, the experienced personal injury attorneys at Marcotte Law Firm are happy to help. We’ve handled hundreds, if not thousands, of cases for people with soft tissue injuries. We’ve resolved cases that range from the very minor to the life long. We know soft tissue injuries, especially spinal injuries to the neck and back, like the back of our hand. We use that knowledge to get you the compensation you deserve.
Whether it’s a car accident, slip and fall, or injury at work, call the lawyers at Marcotte Law Firm for your free consultation.