Getting into a car accident is a big deal. Whether your injuries were minor or catastrophic, the insurance company is doing everything it can to minimize the amount it will have to compensate you. You need a Car Accident Lawyer who will even the playing field and not put up with any of the insurance company’s funny business. If you don’t, you’ll be shortchanging yourself in the long run.
At Marcotte Law Firm, our Tyngsborough Car Accident Attorneys have decades of experience representing people who are injured in car accidents and truck accidents. We understand all the tricks that the insurance companies try to pull, and we don’t let our clients fall for it. At the same time, we bring a practical sensibility to our cases so that our clients are able to make informed decisions about how to proceed with their cases. While we’re always happy to fight the insurance company tooth and nail, it’s also our responsibility to tell our clients when it makes more sense to resolve a case before incurring additional costs.
Car Accidents come in many shapes and sizes. Whether you’re a driver, passenger, pedestrian, motorcyclists, or on a bicycle, all that matters is whether someone else is at fault for your injuries. At Marcotte Law Firm, our Tyngsboro Car Accident Lawyers have decades of experience in a wide variety of situations involving car accidents:
When you’re looking to hire an attorney to represent you in a car accident case, it’s important to find someone who’s not only experienced, but also local. When you call a national law firm, or even a large firm based out of Boston, you’re likely going to be just another name on a sheet of paper. In order to get a personalized approach to your case, it’s often best to steer away from a lawyer whose commercial you saw on TV.
At Marcotte Law Firm, we’re local. With our offices in Lowell, Woburn, and Andover, we have been serving clients in Tyngsborough and the Merrimack Valley since 1964. We take pride in the fact that most of our clients have been referred to us by their friends and family. Though we’re always sad to hear that someone is in a car accident, it makes us proud when we have the privilege to represent multiple generations of a family.
If you’ve been injured in a car accident, call the Tyngsborough Car Accident Lawyers at Marcotte Law Firm for a free, no obligation consultation.