Multi-Car Accidents can be some of the most serious types of car accidents. It usually involves an impact with enough force to push a car into a third vehicle. Whether these accidents happen at an intersection in your neighborhood or on the highway, vehicles colliding at these speeds can lead to serious, if not catastrophic injuries. While there are countless ways that a multi-car collision an occur, here are some of the ones we see the most:
One of the most common places that multi car accidents happen is at an intersection when one driver fails to yield. This includes intersections that are controlled by a stop sign and those controlled by a stop light. These types of collisions occur when someone who is supposed to stop is not paying attention and goes through the intersection at full speed. This can cause a collision with such force that one of the cars is flung into another vehicle stopped at the intersection.
Sometimes a car is rear-ended with enough force to push the car into the vehicle in front of it. These collisions often involve three cars, but sometimes it can be as many as four or five if the initial collision was at a very high speed.
The biggest thing about these collisions is that there is usually a dispute as to which vehicle caused the chain reaction collision. Insurance companies look at many factors to determine who was at-fault. This includes looking at the damage to the various cars to see which impact was the hardest. It also includes questioning the driver of the various cars and asking how many impacts they felt.
Another common place that multi-car accidents happen is on the highway. When accidents happen at high speeds while surrounded by many cars, it’s easy to see how many cars and drivers can be affected by one drivers’ negligence. These collisions are often quite serious and cause many injuries.
Injuries suffered in a Multi-Car Accident can be much worse than those in single or two car collisions. Part of that stems from the fact that multi-car accidents involve two or more impacts, each of which can cause injury.
After a car accident, there are usually a few seconds where all is quiet. You’re trying to process what happened and you’re trying to see if everyone is OK. It’s usually when you least expect it that the second collision happens.
Second collisions can be more damaging than the first for a few reasons. One is that you’re typically not expecting them. You don’t brace your body for impact, which can lead to more serious injuries. Another reason is that your body was already injured in the first collision, and it is not able to absorb a second impact as effectively.
If you were in a multi-car accident, you need experienced representation. An experienced lawyer will leave no stone unturned to prove that the accident was not your fault. Whether it’s looking at the property damage, questioning witnesses, or trying to obtain video of the incident, Marcotte Law Firm goes above and beyond to make sure we get every bit of information that could help your case.
We understand that multi-car crashes cause serious injuries, and we know how to show the insurance companies and jury the extent of your injuries.
If you’ve been hurt in a multi-car accident, contact the experienced Car Accident Lawyers at Marcotte Law Firm for a free consultation.